The least disruptive, most cost-effective solution to deliver reliable lead-free water to every home.

Our proven water lead technology creates a lead-proof barrier inside existing pipes at a fraction of the cost, time and disturbance of traditional replacement.

Current Situation

  • Lead service lines are the largest potential sources of lead in drinking water
  • Copper Pipe with lead solder: Home built before 1986 contain high lead levels
  • 6 to 10 million families are estimated to have lead services in their home
  • Young children, infants, and fetuses are vulnerable to lead
  • At the current pace, full replacement will be completed around 2053.

What is the Next-Generation of Lead-Free Solution?

Our solution has handled
extreme testing

Our lead-free solution is not a coating technology.

Our lead-free solution is not a replacement pipe.

Our liner is classified as an interactive semi-structural liner Class B, close fit that does not need to rely on adhesion.

The advantages
of our technology
over traditional replacement


Proven technology with over 1/2 million installations around the world


45% more cost effective


Surgical installation: requires only a single, tiny hole outside each home


Only 2.5 hours to install


Proven resiliency: 25 year life warranty


Environmentally friendly


No chemical concerns


Resistant to freezing temperatures


No risk of contamination


Resiliency demonstrated with extreme testing

How do you implement the Next-Generation of Lead-Free Solution?​

The Next-Generation of Lead-Free Solution is particularly suitable where alternative solutions prove to be disruptive, such as alongside other infrastructure, under road crossings, in congested ground with other utilities, and in customer properties under drives and gardens. It is also especially beneficial for lining old deteriorating pipes and lines with leaching contaminants, such as lead & copper pipe, as it acts as a barrier.​

Installation Timeline:

Most Cost-effective Solution

Average savings estimated at 35-45%
As depth or length of line increases, so does your savings.


We are certified